The Longest Reigning Monarch is......
Who was the longest reigning monarch in the world? Find out below...
1. The longest reigning monarch is King Louis IV
Otherwise known as Louis the Great (Louis le Grand) or the Sun King (le Roi Soleil), he was the King of France from 1643 until his death in 1715. He was the longest reigning monarch in history whose date is verifiable. He reigned for 72 years and 110 days.
With King Louis, manners became a political issue. In order for the nobility of France to live with the sovereign at Versailles, he instigated a sort of School of Manners.
School of Manners
At the palace, the courtiers' success and careers depended entirely on their behaviour and adherence to etiquette. If Louis was displeased with you, he would simply not 'see' you the following day; you would become invisible to him, which otherwise meant that you ceased to exist.
A whole timetable of ceremonies prevailed, which, of course, revolved round his Majesty. Intimacy with Louis meant power and prestige, and for him that meant being present to his day-to-day needs, including private ones: such as being present while using his 'sanitary commode'!
The more you were in the king's favour, the better off you were At his court, there was no escape and how you behaved was always dictated by Louis.
2. The second longest reigning monarch is.....
Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth ascended to the throne on the 6th of February 1952 – the day that her father died. But her official Coronation took place 16 months later. This was because there was the royal tradition of observing a long mourning period. It also took time to organise the coronation especially when the country was still under significant economic strain after the war.
Winston Churchill, in particular, advised that delaying the coronation a year, would have a 'steadying effect' for the country.